2011年3月15日 星期二

Le Rite - Bande annonce officielle F1 - V.O.S.T.

Pendant ses études pour devenir prêtre, Michael commence à douter de sa vocation future. Pour l'aider à y voir plus clair, un professeur décide de l'envoyer suivre un stage à Rome. En Italie, le jeune homme fait la connaissance du Père Lucas Trevant qui pratique des exorcismes. Au début, Michael demeure sceptique devant son enseignement et ses supposés dons, mais sa façon de guérir momentanément une adolescente enceinte et un garçon attire son attention. Au fil des rencontres, quelque chose semble changer chez l'exorciste. Le Démon cherche à le posséder et une seule est en mesure de le secourir...

About Propeller Island City Lodge

An Extraordinary Hotel with Designer rooms - flying beds and upside down rooms - of amazing creativity in Berlin.

this is an extraordinary location. All rooms and objects were created by the German artist Lars Stroschen. Much more appropriate than "hotel" is the designation "living in a work of art". 30 rooms with an absolutely unique and personal ambience. "Unique" is meant literally, for the entirety of all furnishings and other objects you will discover here are custom-made, individual handiwork. None can be found anywhere else on this planet - one could consider the CITY LODGE to be a MUSEUM with guest accommodations or a stay-in work of SCULPTURE. The rooms are designed and constructed without compromise (!), varying from the tame to the extreme, and provide the opportunity  to more or less alter your perspective of reality - according to your taste and sense of adventure. If you have managed to make the right choices, you will experience an unforgettable stay at our place!
“The Propeller Island City Lodge is a piece of art that was planned to be used as a hotel. However some of the materials are a lot more sensitive than usual: the plexiglass is easily scratched, as are the dark and intense wall-colours when you slide your bags upon them - only to take only two examples. That is the nature of these materials and you cannot change it - except if you want a boring hotel. As a guest of the Propeller Island City Lodge we ask you keep this difference in mind and to move with some care within the artwork.
We guarantee a very unusual stay in one of the most exciting residences to stay. And we hope that all the others coming after you will enjoy it the same. “